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Semi-Solid Metal

TAEGEON FORGE was a great success first developed for SYA-Forming technology in the world and top ranking of this field in the world.

This new technology has a high quality and competition price and assure of mass production skill but all countries of the world is at an early stage.

What is the SYA Forming skill?

SYA Forming is a net shape manufacturing process for metals and alloys where the metal is Forming in the two-phase region. 

We say to “slurry” like soybean curd. like cheese state, make a forming in a moment. Which is (lower than casting temperature, higher than Hot forged temperature) SYA Forming skill is progressive process can complement casting and forged. 

Strong point of Semi Solid & Product  

1. Effective to form complicated products and to minimize secondary processing  

2. Heat treatable. (Die-Casting products can not be heat-treated) 

3. Easily wieldable to other parts 

4. Good mechanical properties compared to conventional casting products. 

5. No pin hole, blowhole or porosity

Characteristics and Application of SYA Forming 

Application Field

SYA Forming compare with other Semi Solid process 

Thixo Forming

The Thixo Forming can be highly automated and has been used in mass production, the high cost of billets and the inablity to recycle gates and runner.

Rheo Forming 

The Rheo Forming process currently being practiced in the USA and JAPAN included the UBE and HITACHI process. however problem is still high price.

SYA Forming 

SYA Forming is a net shape manufacturing process for metals and alloys where the metal is Forming in the two-phase region.  

SYA Forming structure compare with other Forming process

Ingot Metallurgy 

Thixo Forming 

Rheo Forming

SYA Forming

Ingot Metallurgy

Thixo Forming

Rheo Forming

SYA Forming

Tel. 031-999-6033   E.mail. shlee@sy-ht.co.kr 


경기도 김포시 월곶면 고양로 49  | 경기도 김포시 월곶면 고양리 3-16 | 우편번호. 10025
Tel. 031-999-6033 Fax. 031-987-2237 E.mail. shlee@tgcorp.co.kr